This blog follows the travels of Bryce, Whitney, and Nala Clendening. The newest post is on this page. To start at the beginning or to view an earlier post, use the Blog Archive at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To Warmer Weather

We ended up going for a hike with Robyn and Tom on Sunday the 13th. It was quite brisk but once we got our blood pumping it was not so bad. We hiked to a cairn where Steve placed his own Geocache. We found it and then Nala and Sylvie got in a tussle that we had to break up. Neither was hurt but we had to keep them separated from then on. We are still working on Nala's aggression issues since she was attacked last year. After the hike they took us to the Bosque Del Apache  wildlife refuge. We got to see the snow geese fly in for the night. 
There were also hundreds of cranes hanging out. If you are a bird watcher, the Bosque in the winter can't be beat.
 We headed out on Monday morning and after a long uneventful drive (other than Ivy freaking out) made it to Phoenix, AZ. Nala does great riding in the RV, but Ivy freaks out and is scared the whole time. She quivers, pants, and tries to lay on top of Nala the whole ride.

We found it helps to put her in the dark bathroom and put a blanket over her and she calms down a little bit. Nala is already calm enough as you can see.

 We loaded up on groceries and stayed the night at a local Walmart in Phoenix. Tuesday morning we filled up our propane and tried to fill up water, but all of their hoses and faucets were frozen solid. These Southern Arizona folk are not used to this cold of weather (it got down to 20 last night). We went a bit farther toward Quartzsite and found a working faucet at a Love's so we filled up our water and gassed up the rig and the bikes. 

We made it to Quartzsite in the early afternoon, checked in at the Plomosa Road camping area, and set up camp. After We had set everything up, unloaded the bikes, and gotten situated, we found that we barely had phone/internet service. We had full 3G right before we pulled off into the camping area so i knew it was close. I took the bike to go check things out. I found that the camping area extended almost 2 miles down Plomosa road and there was 3g coverage about a mile and a half in. We had parked only a hundred yards down the road thinking that the campground was just this small area we could see. 

I went back to camp and told Whit what I found and we decided to move down the road. Since we had already unloaded, we would have to take the bikes separately and take the rig nice and easy since we had already set everything up. We took both bikes down and scoped out a perfect site that was as far as we could get from the road and from other groups of old folken. We left Whit's bike there and I gave her a ride back to the rig on my bike. We brought the rig to the new site with no problems and set it up again. 
I proceeded to wear the dogs out and am going to make green chile burgers in a few minutes (YUM). 

The weather will be in the 60's tomorrow and then will be in the 70's for the foreseeable future after that. Perfect! Looking forward to the next 2 weeks here in Quartzsite. 


  1. Love these updates!!! Your adventures are amazing! Miss you guys and those crazy pups. Tell Nala to behave :)

  2. Walk out your door, start the bikes and go - rider's paradise!

  3. Glad to hear everyone is ok and having fun enjoy yourselfs and be safe and keep posting I have been showing grams and she enjoys it love you guys have fun love papa Blue.
